I have a copy of "Philadelphia Magazine that I purchased some time ago. Usually I don't buy this magazine because it is just too expensive for me but I decided to buy a copy this time.
In this issue:
- an article about philadelphia-native Kevin Bacon
- Philadelphia Facts and Trivia:
- "Tons of trash removed from Fairmount Park in an eight month period? 3,608 tons!
- Total number of hockey pucks used in a Flyers season - 75,000 hockey pucks!
- Coldest day on record in Philadelphia was -11 degrees Fahrenheit on February 11, 1943
- Total number of hockey pucks used in a Flyers season - 75,000 hockey pucks!
- "Tons of trash removed from Fairmount Park in an eight month period? 3,608 tons!
- a small article about a feud between WMMR and WYSP
- I didn't know that Philadelphia has a charity circuit?
- "Why are New Yorkers coming to Philadelphia for plastic surgery?
- according to one of the articles "Why Philly is still America's best college basketball town?
- I do have to say that Philly surely does have a lot of nice-looking stores and restuarants that I would love to investigate!
- I was looking at the classified and advertisement section near the back of the magazine and I noticed that Philly seems to have quite an S & M and "fantasy" market!
- it was quite interesting reading the personals section just to see what people are interested in.
I see that the magazine has a lot of advertisements in it so hopefully that means that the magazine is well funded. I don't knw how many people subscribe to "Philadelphia Magazine but it would be interesting to know.
All in all I can't say that the Philadelphia Magazine is such a bad magazine. It just seems to be targeted to a higher-income/class of people.
I do have to say that I enjoy looking at the pictures - especially the pictures of the products that some of the "higher-end" stores are selling!
We must have some very rich people here in Philadelphia!
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