I could hardly believe my eyes when I looked out the window to see it snowing! At first it was just a little trickle of snow and I thought that it was just debri from the trees falling but as time went by I saw that they were definitely snowflakes! And then it started snowing more heavier! Looked at the local news and they said that since the temperatures were above freezing then the snow wouldn't accumulate. However there is the forecast of more snow tomorrow!
Now don't get me wrong it was a very pretty site watching the snow falling down - especially from the comfort of my own home - but I'm just wondering if this is a sign that the upcoming winter wil be more harsh as far as the weather is concerned?
Even if it is the people in the area learn to adapt well no matter how bad the weather gets. It's just a matter of inconvenience. But then again we are talking about Mother Nature here!
I don't think that anyone can 100 % accurately predict the kind of winter that we are going to have and its just going to have to be a case of being prepared just in case we do get some bad weather.
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Peace, Cathy
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My brother is back in the hospital being monitored - hopefully he'll be released soon!
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