Monday, August 18, 2008

Times Square In New York at 9:45 PM On A Monday Night!

lindys.jpg (JPEG Image, 640x480 pixels)

And I thought downtown Center City in Philly was crowded!  Just take a look at the number of people who are walking around in Times Square in New York!

I don't that I have been to New York yet but I still think that it would be an interesting place to go - but I didn't know that it was so crowded!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

9/27/08 Update! - Ooops it looks like the link I provided for the picture is working better than I thought because it shows current webcam pictures of Times Square - depending upon the time of day that you are looking at this blog!

1 comment:

Glenda, saved by grace said...

I do love NY. I wouldn't want to live there but I love it.
Glenda from T E X A S