Saturday, March 1, 2014
Septa Fares
If you would like to read more about the Septa fare hikes just click here.
Monday, July 18, 2011
It is definitely a scorcher today!
Even though I work at home I had to go outside in it - and to make it worse I had to go out during the middle of the day when it is the hottest!
The rest of the week doesn't get any better - in fact its supposed to get much more worse where they are expecting that it might hit 100 degrees on Thursday or Friday - or maybe even on both days!
All I can say is that I hope that everyone will be careful during this heat wave that we are having.
Take your time, get plenty of rest and drink lots of water!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Winter Heating Assistance Available Through LIHEAP
Winter Heating Assistance Now Available through LIHEAP
I know that right now that we are definitely in the heat of the summer but it's never too early to prepare for the winter especially if you have been having high heating bills and want or need some financial help to help with your heating bill.
this is just another great example of the various forms of free money that is out there and available for those who are eligible!
Assistance is now available to help low-income households pay for a variety of home heating fuel sources and furnace repairs this winter.
Thousands of Pennsylvanians are eligible to receive heating assistance under the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program.
Grants are based on income, family size, regional cost of living and heating fuel types.
Income eligibilty limits for LIHEAP are based on the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, with a family of four's annual household income not exceeding $17,655.
Funding for these programs is limited, and the programs are open only a short time.
To apply for assistance, eligible individuals should write or visit the:
1950 Calamia Drive
Norristown, PA 19401-3191
or call 610-270-3500
For further details, call the State Department of Public Welfare at 1-800-692-7462.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Operation Warm Hearts!
The article noted below was found online and I thought that you might be interested in it.
".........WHY? Its going to be a long, cold winter...where will you be? Think of how many folks living on the streets of Philadelphia who may not be as fortunate...
Operation Warm Hearts has teamed up with Opportunities PA to do a Blanket Drive.
With the economy as it is, joblessness at an all time high, and many not for profit and community based organizations are downsizing. There is a CRISES. Shelters, which cater more to families, are running at capacity with 20 percent more beds than five years ago, city statistics show.
Philadelphia's homeless system cannot keep up with the magnitude of today's problem. There are going to be some crowded city streets, back alleys and some back yards. "Efforts to find new emergency shelters and longer-term assisted-living units have been blocked for more than two years by a lack of resources and crippling neighborhood opposition. Even if all the homeless in Philadelphia wanted to come in off the streets, the city would have no place to put them, said Dainette M. Mintz, who has run the city's homeless housing program since 2006"."
The Blanket Drive Began: October 1, 2010
Last Day for Blanket Donations: March 31, 2011
What is needed:
Covers, Comforters, Duvets, & Quilts will be appreciated and accepted. All items must be CLEAN and new or gently used.
Sponsored by
Operation Warm Hearts
OPPORTUNITIES is a nonprofit organization that Educates, Equips, Empowers, and Encourages homeless and other at risk youth and young adults to achieve their academic potential and professional goals by offering them supportive services and stable housing.
"In any given year, there are approximately 500,000 children in foster care throughout the United States. Of these, about 20,000 age out* each year and are at risk for a variety of problems, including homelessness, un or under employment, criminal activity, and a lack of education."
OPPORTUNITIES was established in April 2008, to bridge the gap homeless youth experience transitioning from adolescence to adulthood. Ms Justina Shaw and Nijah Famous states that a lack of local organizations providing supportive services to homeless adolescents ages 16 to 25 motivated them to create a solution. In November 2009, Ms. Justina Shaw became the Chief Executive Officer and a board of 12 members was formed. This team is the driving force for OPPORTUNITIES success.
OPPORTUNITIES provides mentoring, life coaching, educational assistance, career counseling and housing to homeless and at-risk youth ages 18 to 25. Through mentorship, goal setting, and financial literacy training, OPPORTUNITIES residents will be equipped with the skills necessary to become self sufficient adults.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Win A Free Laptop!
I really do hope that I win 'cause I could sure use a free laptop!
To enter this contest you have to go to and register to become an insider where they will ask for your name, address, email and phone number.
Once you register and enter the contest then you will have to listen to the station at 7:48 am and 3:18 pm to hear if they call your name and if they do you will have 30 minutes to call them to claim your prize!
Again - I hope I win!!!!!
The contest ended Friday, October 22nd and alas, I didn't win!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A Blog Tax??????????
I know that the city of Philadelphia is having financial problems but this really takes the cake!
It seems that if you have a blog or website that is making money then you have to pay for what is called a business license. According to an online article:
"All bloggers earning a profit have to pay $300 a year to be licensed in Philadelphia"
If your blog earns you more than $50 per year then you have to pay for the business license!
One way that people earn money with their blogs is with the Google Adsense program. (You can find out more about the Adsense program by visiting The Adsense Consultant's Blog.) The Adsense program lets you earn money from home by placing ads on your website or blog.
You see when you make over a certain amount with the adsense program you receive a tax statement at the end of the year showing how much you earned and I'm assuming that somewhere the city of Philadelphia finds that information - meaning that they will contact you asking for your payment for the business license.
What really seems to be unfair is that bloggers will have to pay for the $300 lifetime ($50 per year) license even if they don't even make enough money to pay for the license itself!
You can read the article by clicking here.
Monday, August 2, 2010
The Philadelphia Inquirer Is On Twitter!

Actually I really shouldn't be surprised that the Philadelphia Inquirer is on Twitter but when I got an email that said that they were following me I was quite surprised!
You see since I work from home I do a lot of my work online so I am online quite a lot of the time!
If you don't know what Twitter is it is sort of like a social networking site. People sign up (it's free) and they post messages so that the whole world can see them. You can visit my own Twitter site by clicking here.
As far as the Philadelphia Inquirer goes they post the latest news headlines from their paper and if you want to know more you can click on the links in the Twitter posts and that will take you to the full story(s). That way you will know what the latest news in Philadelphia is.
If you're interested in following the Philadelphia Inquirer on Twitter you can visit their site:
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
KYW Radio Has A Twitter Site!
I listen to KYW Radio all the time! I listen to it mostly for the weather but I also want to hear the latest news going on in Philly! However today I found out that KYW Radio has a Twitter site as well!

If you have a Twitter site like I do then you already know that Twitter is like a social-networking site that is all the rage right now.
If you decided to "follow" KYW Radio's Twitter site then you will be updated on the latest news happening here in Philly.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, May 22, 2010
What Happens If You Don't Pay Your Real Estate Taxes (in Philly)?
What Happens If You Don't Pay Your Real Estate Taxes In Philly?
The city of Philadelphia uses a law firm to collect delinquent real estate taxes. If your real estate taxes go unpaid then civil tax actions can be filed in the Court of Common Pleas of Philadelphia to enforce the collection of delinquent real estate taxes.
Unfortunately this means that your property can be sold at a Sheriff's sales if your real estate taxes are not paid. Also interest and other fees will be added to the amount that you owe!
In order to prevent a civil tax action from being filed against your property you must send your payment to the city of Philadelphia.
If you reside in the property and are unable to pay the amount due in a lump sum then you should contact the law firm to discuss the possibility of entering a payment agreement to pay the amount due in installments. (Proof of a financial hardship may be necessary to enter into such an agreement.)
Also see if you can obtain a copy of the "Philadelphia Taxpayer Assistance Brochure". For help or assistance in arranging a payment plan, you can call any of the Housing Counseling Agencies listed on page 5 of this brochure.
Did you know that there are millions of dollars owed to the city of Philadelphia. According to the mayor of Philadelphia these taxes are needed to support police and fire fighters plus the money also supports new schools, senior centers, recreation centers and playgrounds.
Real Estate taxes are due once a year, on March 31st of the tax year. If the taxes are not paid by March 31st of the tax year, a penalty charge will accrue on the principal amount of the tax, up to a maximum charge of 15% of the principal amount due. If the taxes remain unpaid after December 31st of the tax year, the 15% addition is added into the principal, and tax liens are filed against the property. Penalties and interest, as well as attorney fees continue to accrue until the tax is paid.
You may be able to postpone a Sheriff's sale of your home one time for 60 days.
You can petition the Philadelphia Tax Review Board to try to reduce the amount that you owe.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Philadelphia Magazine

I have a copy of "Philadelphia Magazine that I purchased some time ago. Usually I don't buy this magazine because it is just too expensive for me but I decided to buy a copy this time.
In this issue:
- an article about philadelphia-native Kevin Bacon
- Philadelphia Facts and Trivia:
- "Tons of trash removed from Fairmount Park in an eight month period? 3,608 tons!
- Total number of hockey pucks used in a Flyers season - 75,000 hockey pucks!
- Coldest day on record in Philadelphia was -11 degrees Fahrenheit on February 11, 1943
- Total number of hockey pucks used in a Flyers season - 75,000 hockey pucks!
- "Tons of trash removed from Fairmount Park in an eight month period? 3,608 tons!
- a small article about a feud between WMMR and WYSP
- I didn't know that Philadelphia has a charity circuit?
- "Why are New Yorkers coming to Philadelphia for plastic surgery?
- according to one of the articles "Why Philly is still America's best college basketball town?
- I do have to say that Philly surely does have a lot of nice-looking stores and restuarants that I would love to investigate!
- I was looking at the classified and advertisement section near the back of the magazine and I noticed that Philly seems to have quite an S & M and "fantasy" market!
- it was quite interesting reading the personals section just to see what people are interested in.
I see that the magazine has a lot of advertisements in it so hopefully that means that the magazine is well funded. I don't knw how many people subscribe to "Philadelphia Magazine but it would be interesting to know.
All in all I can't say that the Philadelphia Magazine is such a bad magazine. It just seems to be targeted to a higher-income/class of people.
I do have to say that I enjoy looking at the pictures - especially the pictures of the products that some of the "higher-end" stores are selling!
We must have some very rich people here in Philadelphia!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Job Openings For Lifeguards!
If you are looking for a job then you may be interested in applying to become a lifeguard for the Philadelphia department of Parks and Recreation. Some of the requirements and qualifications include:
- Must be certified in Lifeguard Training, First Aid & CPR
- Must be 16 years of age or older
- Must pass a drug screening, criminal record, child abuse and FBI clearance check
Minimum salary is $12.33 per hour
Maximum salary is $14.60 per hour with experience
Members of the NAACP Philly Youth Council have the opportunity to obtain much more info, and direct contact information for more opportunities. Visit the NAACP Philly Office at 1619 Cecil B. Moore Avenue, or attend one of the 2nd/4th Saturday meetings, or any of the community service activities to join our group now!