Yes Philadelphia got a lot of snow over the weekend! I have seen accounts online where Philly got over 2 feet of snow this weekend! I'm definitely glad that I work from home because that meant that I didn't have to go out during the snow storm if I didn't want to!
I am an Adsense Consultant and I do other online consulting as well! This means that I am able to work from home and not be too dependent on the weather!
I did shovel some snow today because thankfully its the weekend and the temperature was in the low 30's and the sun was shining so that made the snow more softer and easier to shovel! I saw a lot of my neighbors also shoveling snow today and its interesting because there is one house in my block that didn't shovel their snow yet.
Well KYW has announced that all Philadelphia public schools will be closed tomorrow (Monday) because of the snow.
The news is calling it the 2nd most worst snowstorm that Philadelphia has EVER had! Even Septa stopped running Saturday - but they are supposed to be up and running today.
I have been reading the Twitter posts from others in Philly and it's very interesting what they are posting about. For me I'm just content to be able to work from home - something which I am very grateful for!
In case you haven't heard the weather forecast is calling for maybe more snow Tuesday night into Wednesday!
For right now I'm just glad to be inside!