I couldn't believe it when I heard on the news that the Philadelphia Inquirer was filing for bankruptcy! Actually its the company that owns the Inquirer that is filing for bankruptcy.
Everytime I see that building on Broad Street it reminds me that the building and the Inquirer are another "staple" of the Philadelphia area! And besides the Philadelphia Tribune, the Inquirer was one of the major newspapers in the area! I always relish getting the coupons that were included in the Sunday Edition of the Inquirer.

Of course I miss the building that used to house the Philadelphia Bulletin and what I miss most of all is seeing the headlines that appeared on the side of the building.
I haven't been in this area for a while and I don't what is in the building now but I'm pretty sure my memory is correct in that the building is located near the 30th Street Station.
I don't know what this bankruptcy filing is going to mean for the newspaper but I'm wondering how Philadelphia would fare if they didn't have at least one major newspaper for the area?