Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Most Dangerous City In The World?

You would think that with watching the local news that Philadelphia is the most dangerous city in the world but here is an article that says it is not. I don't think that Philly even made it in the top ten!

Currently it seems that Philadelphia has had more murders than in the number of days so far this year. It's sad to know that there are other areas that have even a higher crime rate.

Camden, NJ is on the list though!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

The National Building Implosion

In case you missed it the old National Building has been imploded and the convention center in Philadelphia will be expanded. Now I have had occassion to be around the area where the convention center is located and it was already a huge place! But I guess they need more room! I do know that if the Philadelphia convention center is expanded then they will have more room for more events thus being able for them to make more money.

I think I remember hearing in the news about how the convention center was saying that their lack of space accounted for them not being able to book as many events as they would like - so this will probably help.

Personally I like the older buildings in Philadelphia but I guess it wasn't feasable to keep that building up and operating. At least its not because they want to put another luxury apartment or condo building in the space but I suspect that we will be getting more of those anyway.